AquaSoli Geotechnical Services – Our expertise explained in brief (Part 2 of 3)


Load Tests

According to all technical rules and standards for pile foundations the most efficient investigation for the foundation design is load tests on site with the projected piles.


The piles are installed on site whereas the duration of installation can be measured. Installation difficulties or obstructions are identified.

After installation, load tests are performed in axial compression, axial tension and horizontal direction. The resistances of the piles are measured directly and the foundation design can be done.

Geological & Geotechnical Survey

With the evaluation of direct outcrops (drillings or excavated pits), indirect methods (dynamic probing or SWS Test) on site with the corresponding laboratory work the building ground parameters can be determined.

Soilmechanical Laboratory

Soilmechanical Laboratory

Corrosion Analysis

The evaluation of the Corrosion potential of soil has become a very important part of foundation design. The corrosivity depends on the chemical and physical parameters of the soil. AquaSoli performs the necessary analyses and determines the aggressiveness of the soil towards steel and concrete.

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