150 MWp AC Project in Western US looks for Development Partner

150MWp AC Ground Mount Solarfarm in Nevada:

Landlease holder looks for partner to co-develop the project including interconnection & PPAs.

  • Size: 842 acres
  • Solar Irradiance: very high (south-west of the USA)
  • Property: flat land in the desert
  • Location: Amargosa Valley, Nye county
  • Shortest way to a 138 kV Powerline: ca. 1.5 miles
  • Interconection with the CAISO grid planned
  • INTERESTED? Write an email to PartnerForNevadaWanted@solvivo.eu to request NDA and further information
120MWp Solarfarm in Nevada

120MWp Solarfarm in Nevada

City of Munich declared Climate Emergency – AquaSolis headquarter is already in line with enhanced building standards

english flag

AquaSoli congratulates the City of Munich for having declared a Climate Emergency on 18.12.2019.

The climate emergency declaration movement (https://www.cedamia.org) originates from Australia. The photo attached shows Ms. Margaret Hender in Adelaide, South Australia, one of the initiators of this movement, next to our AquaSoli Head of Sales in Australia, Mr. Ekkehard Groskreutz.

Margaret Hender & AquaSoli Head of Sales in Australia, Mr. Ekkehard Groskreutz

Margaret Hender & AquaSoli Head of Sales in Australia, Mr. Ekkehard Groskreutz

Margaret (as chairperson) and Ekkehard (as technical adviser) have also been working together for a number of years within CORENA (www.corenafund.org.au), an organisation which helps with the design and provides finance on a revolving funds basis for energy efficiency and solar energy generation systems for not-for-profit organisations.

AquaSoli fully supports the City of Munich’s approach as it includes the commitment to follow strict energy efficiency and sustainability guidelines when it comes to the design and construction of new buildings.

In this respect, AquaSoli is proud that the company headquarters in Munich has been operated climate-neutrally since moving into the renovated mill building in 2011 using electricity and waste heat from a 130kW Francis turbine and a biopellet heating system.


German Flag

AquaSoli gratuliert der Stadt München, die am 18.12.2019 den Klima-Notstand ausgerufen hat. AquaSolis Firmenzentrale in München bezieht Elektrizität und Heizenergie bereits klimaneutral.

Die Bewegung der Klima-Notstandserklärung (https://www.cedamia.org) hat ihren Ursprung in Australien. Das beiliegende Foto zeigt Frau Margaret Hender in Adelaide, Südaustralien, eine der Initiatoren dieser Bewegung, neben unserem AquaSoli-Vertriebsleiter in Australien, Herrn Ekkehard Groskreutz. Margaret (als Vorsitzende) und Ekkehard (als technischer Berater) arbeiten ebenfalls seit einigen Jahren innerhalb von CORENA (www.corenafund.org.au) zusammen, einer Organisation, die bei der Gestaltung und Finanzierung von Energieeffizienz- und Solarenergieerzeugungs-systemen für gemeinnützige Organisationen auf der Basis von Umlauffonds hilft.

AquaSoli unterstützt den Ansatz der Stadt München voll und ganz, da er die Verpflichtung beinhaltet, bei der Planung und dem Bau neuer Gebäude strenge Richtlinien für Energieeffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit zu befolgen.

Insofern ist AquaSoli stolz darauf, dass die Firmenzentrale in der Birkenleiten 41 in München seit dem Einzug in das renovierte Mühlgebäude im Jahre 2011 klimaneutral betrieben wird mittels Strom und Abwärme von einer 130kW Francis Turbine sowie einer Biopelletheizung.

AquaSoli company headquarter in Kraemer'sche Kunstmuehle sourcing its need for electricity and heating power clima neutrally...

AquaSoli Company Headquarters in Kraemer’sche Kunstmuehle obtains its electricity and heating energy requirements climate-neutrally (source of picture: www.kraemermuehle.com)

AquaSoli ready to serve Clients with Projects in Australia

AquaSoli continues to serve Ground Mount Solar Projects in Australia: After several hundred MWp completed with engineering delivered by AquaSoli the success story goes on …

No doubt you are aware of the huge renewable energy potential in Australia.

Through our strategic alliance partner based in Adelaide, South Australia AquaSoli frequently receives project updates directly from participants in the market as well as through industry bodies. While there are still considerable challenges in the areas of regulation, connection and policies, the projections for the next decade and beyond are exciting.

At AquaSoli we have embarked on a medium – to long-term high growth strategy for this market “down under”. We wonder if you would consider our company to provide the same high-quality geo-engineering services, which you have already come to expect from us elsewhere, for your next project in Australia.

To this extent we would appreciate if you would provide us with the contact details of the most appropriate local manager, so that our Australian partner can introduce himself.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

AquaSoli GmbH & Co. KG

AquaSoli Head of Sales Australia

Ekkehard Groskreutz – AquaSoli Head of Sales & Energy Consultant Australia


Ekkehard Groskreutz

Head of Sales & Energy Consultant

Tel. T:61 08 8243 2174, Mob:+61 0421 071 280


How the name AquaSoli was born…

How the name AquasSoli was born…

How the name of AquaSoli was born

How the name of AquaSoli was born

The following excursion into Latin language may serve as an explanation, and we thought it may also be a good idea to explain the name in our AquaSoli blog here:

Aqua=Water [lat.], because it plays an important role in and on the soil

[soil strength is influenced by water content, and flood protection is also a topic for AquaSoli

Soli=Genitive from Solum=Soil [lat.]

Sol=Sun [lat.]

i=ingenium [lat.] = invention, ingenuity, mind, understanding, talent => basis for the word “engineer

For the time being in this year we wish you a Merry Christmas and a blessed time with your beloved ones!

AquaSoli GmbH & Co. KG

i || i

S o l || S o l

S o l i || S o l i

A q u a || A q u a


AquaSoli supports the SC Moosham – AquaSoli unterstützt den SC Moosham


IMG_1959_SC Moosham bild

flagge englischAquaSoli supports the SC Moosham

SC Moosham operates one of the most beautiful ski trails in the foothills of the Alps south of Munich.

The two AquaSoli shareholders, Jürgen Schmid and Manfred Karl, were pleased to present a donation to SC Moosham.

AquaSoli supports the SC Moosham, as the harmony of mind and body is also important in solar engineering in order to achieve and maintain a top team performance.

AquaSoli unterstützt den SC Moosham deutsch

Der SC Moosham betreibt eine der schönsten Ski-Loipen im Voralpenraum südlich von München.

Die beiden AquaSoli-Gesellschafter, Jürgen Schmid und Manfred Karl freuten sich, eine Spende an den SC Moosham überreichen zu können.

AquaSoli unterstützt den SC Moosham, da auch beim Solar-Engineering der Einklang von Seele, Geist und Körper wichtig sind, um dauerhaft eine Spitzen-Teamleistung im Dienste der Kunden bringen zu können.