How the name AquasSoli was born…
The following excursion into Latin language may serve as an explanation, and we thought it may also be a good idea to explain the name in our AquaSoli blog here:
Aqua=Water [lat.], because it plays an important role in and on the soil
[soil strength is influenced by water content, and flood protection is also a topic for AquaSoli
Soli=Genitive from Solum=Soil [lat.]
Sol=Sun [lat.]
i=ingenium [lat.] = invention, ingenuity, mind, understanding, talent => basis for the word “engineer
For the time being in this year we wish you a Merry Christmas and a blessed time with your beloved ones!
AquaSoli GmbH & Co. KG
i || i
S o l || S o l
S o l i || S o l i
A q u a || A q u a