How the name AquaSoli was born…

How the name AquasSoli was born…

How the name of AquaSoli was born

How the name of AquaSoli was born

The following excursion into Latin language may serve as an explanation, and we thought it may also be a good idea to explain the name in our AquaSoli blog here:

Aqua=Water [lat.], because it plays an important role in and on the soil

[soil strength is influenced by water content, and flood protection is also a topic for AquaSoli

Soli=Genitive from Solum=Soil [lat.]

Sol=Sun [lat.]

i=ingenium [lat.] = invention, ingenuity, mind, understanding, talent => basis for the word “engineer

For the time being in this year we wish you a Merry Christmas and a blessed time with your beloved ones!

AquaSoli GmbH & Co. KG

i || i

S o l || S o l

S o l i || S o l i

A q u a || A q u a


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